Frequently asked questions - Individuals

  • What is Artemis Credit Bureau?

    Artemis Credit Bureau is a Credit Bureau which was established in October 2008.It collects and provides information concerning the financial behaviour of individuals and legal entities.

  • What kind of data about me does Artemis Credit Bureau hold and where is it collected from?

    Artemis Credit Bureau keeps records exclusively regarding the financial behaviour of individuals and contains the following categories of information:

    • Personal Data, which can be used to identify individuals, such as identity card or passport number, name & surname, date of birth and address. This data is collected from Banks, Credit Acquiring Companies, the Management Committee of the Central Information Registry and the Department of Insolvency.
    • Credit facilities, which are received from Banks and Credit Acquiring Companies. The term "credit facilities" refers to: fixed-maturity loans, current accounts with a limit, credit cards, current accounts without overdraft limit but with debit balance greater than 200 Euros, factoring, hire purchase, letters of guarantee and letters of credit.
    • Lawsuits, Arbitrations and Court Decisions, which concern credit facilities by the banks and credit acquiring companies.
    • Entries for issuers of dishonored cheques received by the Management Committee of the Central Information Registry.
    • Bankruptcies which are received by the Department of Insolvency.
  • What is the scope of Artemis Credit Bureau’s operation?

    For the benefit of the financial system and its stakeholders, Artemis Credit Bureau’s main objectives are:

    • Supporting activities related to the promotion, modernization and evolution of the financial system the protection of commercial credit
    • Safeguarding commercial credit
    • Mitigating credit risk
    • Supporting reliable financial transactions
    • smooth functioning of the economy
  • How do I benefit from the operation of the Artemis Credit Bureau's Registry?

    The Artemis Credit Bureau’s Registry presents a complete picture of a consumer's creditworthiness. Individuals who fulfil their obligations in a timely and comprehensive manner, may be benefited in securing better credit terms.

  • How do I get a report on the data that Artemis Credit Bureau keeps about me?

    In order to serve the interested parties in exercising their right of access, correction and restriction of data, Artemis Credit Bureau has a Customer Service Office which receives the relevant applications and responds to them in writing, in accordance with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679. To exercise your right of access as an individual you need to fill in the application form for the provision of information, available in our Customer Service Office and online on our website.

    Please note that, once a year, you may exercise your right of access information free of charge. Any subsequent applications carries a (ten) 10 euros fee. The original application must be submitted either in person or by post to the offices of Artemis Credit Bureau, duly completed and signed.

  • How can Data concerning myself be corrected in the Registry?

    In order to assist the interested parties in exercising the right to correct information, Artemis Credit Bureau has a Customer Service Office, which receives the relevant requests and responds to them in writing.

    To exercise your right to correct the information kept in our Registry the following are required:

    • Application form to correct information, available at the Customer Service Office or online on our website.
    • Supporting documents relating to the specific correction you require.

    Please note that the exercise of your right to correct data is free of charge.

    Artemis Credit Bureau subsequently forwards your application to the Data Provider for correction.

    Once the Data Provider confirms that the relevant correction has been completed, Artemis Credit Bureau will inform you accordingly.

    The original application along with the necessary supporting documents should be filed either in person or by post to the offices of Artemis Credit Bureau.

  • How can I request the restriction of processing of my Data?

    In order to serve the interested parties in exercising the right to restrict the processing of their personal data, Artemis Credit Bureau has a Customer Service Office, which receives the relevant requests and responds to them in writing. To exercise your right to restrict the processing of your data in the Registry, the following are required:

    • An application for data correction, available at the Customer Service Office or online on our website. Along with your application for data correction, you may also apply for restriction of processing of personal data, in which case you need to submit the relevant documentation to the Customer Service Office.

    Please note that the exercise of your right for restriction of processing of your personal data is free of charge.

    Artemis Credit Bureau will subsequently forward your application to the data provider for correction.

    Once the data provider confirms that the relevant correction has been completed, Artemis Credit Bureau will inform you accordingly.

    Any recipients of your personal data are notified that your data provided is under restriction of processing.

  • What kind of documentation should I have with me when contacting Artemis Credit Bureau?

    For your best servicing, please make sure you have with you your Identity card or passport (for foreigners) in order to complete any dealing with Artemis Credit Bureau. Depending on your request (application for information access or information correction) you will need to present the relevant supporting documents.

    For any additional information you may need, please contact the Customer Service Office.

  • I am interested in applying for access to/correction of information but I have lost my ID card. Can I use another identification document?

    You may use your driving licence provided it carries a photograph of you, along with your ID number.

  • Is there a fee involved in exercising my rights as per the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679?

    Exercising your right to access, correct and restrict the processing of information is free of charge. For any subsequent applications for access to information within the same calendar year there is a fee of 10 (ten) Euros.

  • If I give you my ID number over the phone, could you tell me if my details are registered with you?

    We only reply to such requests in writing and following the submission of the “Application to Provide Information-Physical Entity”

  • Can I receive my Credit Report via email?

    This is not possible. As per our standard procedure, Credits Reports are sent by post via registered mail with advice of delivery only. Alternatively, you may collect it in person from our offices.

  • What is the address and telephone number of the Customer Service Office?

    77 Strovolou Avenue

    Office 501

    2018 Strovolos



    Working hours: 08:30 – 15:00, Monday to Friday.

    Tel: +357 22 454777

    Fax: +357 22 420135

  • Where is my personal data stored and where is it sent to?

    Artemis Credit Bureau Registry is located in Cyprus and no information is sent abroad.

  • I am a guarantor/security provider on a loan. Is there a possibility that I will be registered in the Artemis Registry?

    Yes, loan guarantors and security providers are included in the Registry.

  • I have settled/been released from a credit facility I had with the Bank/Credit Acquiring Company. When will this data be deleted from the Artemis Credit Bureau Registry?

    Based on the provisions of the relevant Directive of Central Bank of Cyprus and the relevant data retention rules in the Artemis Credit Bureau's Registry, the specific credit facility that you have settled for or you have been released from, will be removed from Artemis Credit Bureau's Registry in its next monthly update. Monthly updates are taking place on the eleventh (11th) business day of the month that follows the one in which the credit facility settlement/ release from has occurred.

  • Does the information that a bankrupted person has “reinstated by right” or the bankruptcy order been cancelled from your Registry?

    It is noted that the information collected from the Bankruptcy Registry which are kept in Artemis Credit Bureau Database, is governed by the rules of the Administrators of the Bankruptcy Registry. The Bankruptcy Registry information appears on the Artemis Credit Bureau Registry exactly as received from the source. Under the current rules of the Bankruptcy Registry, the information that an individual has been “reinstated by right “is not deleted from the Bankruptcy Registry and consequently it is not deleted from the Artemis Credit Bureau's Registry either. However, both Registries carry the relevant indication of the reinstatement by right/ cancellatioon of the bankruptcy decree/order.

  • How often is your Registry being updated with information from banks/credit acquiring companies?

    As per the 2015 Central Bank of Cyprus Directive on “Τhe Operation of a System or a Mechanism for the Exchange, Collection and Provision of data Directive of 2015” which governs the operation of our Registry, Artemis Credit Bureau Registry is updated monthly, at the last working day of each month. More specifically, data by the banks and credit acquiring companies are submitted to Artemis Credit Bureau no later than the 10th working day of each month.

    The update of the Registry with data from other sources such as the Central Information Registry on issuers of dishonored cheques and the Bankruptcy Registry is more frequent.

  • Why would the bank not finance me?

    Artemis Credit Bureau Registry does not include assessments, opinions or any financial or other evaluation of the registered data. Any evaluation is made exclusively by the recipient of the information. Therefore, the information in our Registry is of purely of supportive nature and does not force their recipient to proceed or not to a financial transaction.

  • Who is aware of the information that concerns me?

    As per the Business of Credit Institutions Laws, the “Purchase of Credit Facilities and Related Matters” Law and the Central Bank of Cyprus Directive titled “Τhe Operation of a System or a Mechanism for the Exchange, Collection and Provision of data”, recipients of the information are all the banks and credit acquiring companies as well as the Central Bank of Cyprus.

  • What is the legal basis for the processing of the personal data concerning me that are kept by Artemis Credit Bureau?

    With regards to Registry of credit facilities, Lawsuits and Court Decisions, Issuers of Dishonoured cheques and Bankrupted entities, the legal basis for the processing of personal data collected by the Artemis Credit Bureau is its legal obligation resulting from the Business of Credit Institutions Laws, the “Purchase of Credit Facilities and Related Matters” Law and the 2015 Central Bank of Cyprus Directive titled “Τhe Operation of a System or a Mechanism for the Exchange, Collection and Provision of data Directive of 2015”

  • Why hasn’t Artemis Credit Bureau informed me of any records kept on me?

    Pursuant to Article 14 of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) that came into force in May 2018, Artemis is exempted from the obligation to inform the data subjects for the processing of their personal data because the processing arises from a legal obligation.

    It should be noted that as per the 2014 legislation still current to the present day, due to the large number of subjects who were included in its Registry, Artemis informed the subjects via a press announcement in the national press on September 30, 2014.

Frequently asked questions - Businesses

  • What is Artemis Credit Bureau?

    Artemis Credit Bureau is a Credit Bureau which was established in October 2008. It collects and provides information concerning the financial behaviour of individuals and legal entities.

  • What kind of data does Artemis Credit Bureau keeps about my company and where is it collected from?

    Artemis Credit Bureau maintains a Registry which concerns solely the economic behaviour of legal entities; it includes the following information categories:

    • Information that can be used to identify the Company, such as the company registration number, the company name and the address, which are collected from banks, credit acquiring companies, the Management Committee of the Central Information Registry and the Registrar of Companies and Intellectual Property, and the department of insolvency.

    Credit facilities collected from the banks and the credit acquiring companies. The term "credit facilities" includes fixed-maturity loans, current accounts with overdraft limit, credit cards, current accounts without overdraft limit but with debit balance greater than 200 Euros, factoring, hire purchase, letters of guarantee and letters of credit.

    • Lawsuits, Arbitrations and Court Decisions which concern credit facilities by banks and credit acquiring companies.
    • Entries for Issuers of Dishonored cheques, obtained by the Management Committee of the Central Information Registry (CIR)
    • Dissolutions and Applications for Dissolution of companies drawn from the Registrar of Companies and Intellectual Property.
  • Who has access to the Artemis Credit Bureau Data?

    As per the Business of Credit Institutions Laws, the “Purchase of Credit Facilities and Related Matters” Law and the Central Bank of Cyprus Directive titled “Τhe Operation of a System or a Mechanism for the Exchange, Collection and Provision of data”, recipients of the information are all the banks and credit acquiring companies as well as the Central Bank of Cyprus.

  • What is the scope of Artemis Credit Bureau’s operation?

    To the benefit of the financial system and its stakeholders, Artemis Credit Bureau’s main objectives are:

    • Supporting activities related to the promotion, modernization and evolution of the financial system
    • Safeguarding commercial credit
    • Mitigating credit risk
    • Supporting reliable financial transactions
    • smooth functioning of the economy
  • How is my company benefiting from the operation of the Artemis Credit Bureau's Registry?

    The Artemis Credit Bureau Registry presents a complete picture of a company’s creditworthiness. Legal entities who fulfil their obligations in a timely and comprehensive manner, may be benefited in securing better credit terms.

  • How can I get a report about the information kept by Artemis Credit Bureau and what do I need to bring with me as the company’s legal representative?

    In order to serve interested parties for accessing the company’s data, Artemis Credit Bureau has a Customer Service Office, which receives the relevant requests and responds to them in writing.

    For the access to the Registry, the following are required:

    • Legal Entity access application, available at our Customer Service Office or online on our website.
    • Company stamp
    • Certificate of Directors and Secretary issued in the past 12 months
    • Resolution of Directors for appointing a Physical entity as a legal and authorized representative of the company signed by all Directors and the Company Secretary. Signatures on this document must be certified by a Certifying Officer.

    The representative mentioned in the written Resolution of the Directors, must present their Identity card or Passport (for foreigners). Exercising the right to access information carries a fee of ten (10) Euros.

    The original application along with the necessary supporting documents should be delivered either in person or by post to the offices of Artemis Credit Bureau.

  • How can I correct information kept in Artemis Credit Bureau’s Registry about my company?

    To support the company’s representative in correcting information, Artemis Credit Bureau’s Customer Service Office receives such requests and replies in writing.

    As a legal entity in order to correct information kept in the Registry, the following are required:

    • Legal Entity information correction application, available at our Customer Service Office or online on our website.
    • Supporting documents concerning the particular correction you are applying for.
    • Company stamp
    • Certificate of Directors and Secretary issued in the past 12 months
    • Resolution of Directors for appointing a Physical entity as a legal and authorized representative of the company signed by all Directors and the Company Secretary. Signatures on this document must be certified by a Certifying Officer.

    The representative mentioned in the resolution of Directors, must present his Identity card or passport (for foreigners).

    Please note that the request to correct information is free of charge.

    The original application along with the necessary supporting documents should be delivered either in person or by post to the offices of Artemis Credit Bureau.

    Artemis Bureau subsequently forwards the company’s application along with any supporting documents to the information supplier to amend accordingly.

    Once Artemis Credit Bureau is notified that the information provider had amended the data in question, you will be informed accordingly.

  • I am interested in applying for access to/correction of information in my capacity as a legal representative of a legal entity but I have lost my ID card. Can I use another identification document?

    You may use your driving licence provided it carries a photograph of you, along with your ID number.

  • Is there a fee involved in asking Artemis Credit Bureau for information?

    Legal entities wishing to access their information in the Registry will have to pay a ten (10) Euros fee. The request to correct information is fulfilled at no cost.

  • If I give you my company’s registration number over the phone, could you tell me if it’s in your records?

    We only reply to such requests in writing and following the submission of the “Application to Provide Information-Legal Entity” along with the necessary supporting documents.

  • Could you email me my company’s Credit Report?

    No this is not possible. As per our standard procedure, Credit Reports are sent via registered mail. Alternatively, you may collect your Credit Report in person from our offices.

  • What is the address and telephone number of the Customer Service Office?

    77 Strovolou Avenue

    Office 501

    2018 Strovolos



    Working hours: 08:30 – 15:00, Monday to Friday.

    Tel: +357 22 454777

    Fax: +357 22 420135

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