Find out exactly what your Credit Report is

Credit Report is the reflection of your credit profile, by recording all your credit facilities to financial institutions and credit acquiring companies, as an individual or a business. This is a detailed report that presents your overall financial behavior. That is, whether you successfully fulfil your financial obligations to your creditors or not.

Credit facilities can be loans, credit cards, current accounts with a limit, letters of guarantee. The Credit Report shows both your own credit facilities and those of another borrower, which you have guaranteed, as well as the institutions they come from. Your listing as bankrupt or as an issuer of an dishonoured cheque is also presented.

Credit Report
Sample for
Individuals & Businesses

Sample for Individuals Sample for Businesses

The importance of a Credit Report in the modern market

With the current complexity and the conditions of the modern market, the Credit Report of a consumer is a very important tool for financial institutions, since based on this, the creditworthiness of the borrower and consequently the credit risk taken by the credit institution in the case of a loan, can be assessed.

Take control of your Credit Report

Knowing your financial profile through your Credit Report can be crucial for making informed decisions and achieving your financial goals.


If you are an individual and intend to apply for a new credit facility, or if you believe that your financial behavior as a borrower can be improved and you want to know the full picture of your credit profile, Artemis Credit Bureau can provide you with your Credit Report upon request.

To obtain your Credit Report, you may submit your request by post office, courier or in person. For this purpose, print and fill in the Application to Provide Information – Individual” form.

To correct your personal information, please fill in the form Application to correct information for Individuals (PDF)

Individuals can request a free Credit Report once a year.


If you are a business and you are planning to apply for a new credit facility, or if you think your financial behavior as a borrower can be improved and you would like to be informed about the full picture of your credit profile, Artemis Credit Bureau can provide you with the Credit Report upon request.

To obtain your business Credit Report, you may submit your request by post office, courier or in person.

For this purpose, print and fill in the “Application to Provide Information - Businesses ” form.

To apply through a personal visit to the Customer Service Office of the Artemis Credit Bureau

Along with the completed original “Application to Provide Information – Legal Entity” form, you must submit the Certificate of Directors and Secretary of the Company, as well as the Resolution of Directors for appointing a Physical Entity as a legal and authorized representative of the Company, signed by all the Directors and the Secretary. Signatures must be certified by a Certifying Officer. By presenting your Identification document, you receive the Credit Report of the company on the spot.

To apply by post or courier to the Customer Service Office of the Artemis Credit Bureau

Along with the completed original “Application to Provide Information – Legal Entity”, you must also submit the Certificate of Directors and Secretary of the Company, as well as the Resolution of Directors for appointing a Physical Entity as a legal and authorized representative of the Company, signed by all its Directors and Secretary. Signatures must be certified by a Certifying Officer. The Credit Report of the Company is sent to the representative of the Company by post via registered mail with advice of delivery. .

To correct your company information, please fill in the form Application to correct information for Businesses (PDF)

Businesses can request a Credit Report at a fee of €10

FAQ's (Credit Report)

  • Credit Report – what is it?

    Your Credit Report is a reflection of your credit profile through the recording of your facilities with the banks and credit acquiring companies, whether you are an individual or a business. It is a detailed report of your overall financial behaviour.

  • What kind of information is included in the Credit Report and where is it coming from?

    Artemis Credit Bureau keeps Registry solely relating to the financial behaviour of individuals and legal entities; it includes the following categories of information:

    • Data used to identify individuals and companies, such as the ID card number, passport number, company registration number, name & surname, company name, date of birth and address. This kind of information is collected from banks, credit acquiring companies, the Management of the Central Information Registry and the Insolvency Department.
    • Credit facilities received from banks and credit acquiring companies. The term "credit facilities" refers to fixed-maturity loans, current accounts with overdraft limits, credit cards, current accounts without overdraft limit but with debit balance greater than 200 euro, factoring, hire purchase, letters of guarantee and letters of credit.
    • Lawsuits, Arbitrations and Court Decisions, which concern credit facilities by banks and credit acquiring companies.
    • Entries for issuers of dishonored cheques received by the Management Committee of the Central Information Registry (CIR)
    • Bankruptcies received by the Insolvency Department
    • Dissolutions of Companies received by the Insolvency Department.
  • How does my Credit Report help me?

    Your Credit Report helps you to prudently manage your financial transactions and to make informed decisions on your financial matters. Your Credit Report serves as a guide allowing you to navigate with safety, investing in your present and future.

  • How can I receive my Credit Report/ company’s Credit Report?

    The Customer Service Office of Artemis Credit Bureau receives and replies in writing to requests from individuals or legal entities wishing to access their data.

    Individuals – to exercise your right to access information you need to fill in and submit the original “Application to Provide Information-Physical Entity”, available at our Customer Service Office or online on our website.

    Exercising your right to access your information once a year is free of charge. Any subsequent requests within the next 12 months carries a (ten) 10 Euros fee.

    Legal entities - to access your information you need the following:

    • Completed the original “Application to Provide Information-Legal Entity”, available at our Customer Service Office or online on our website.
    • Company stamp
    • Certificate of Directors and secretary issued in the past 12 months
    • Resolution of Directors for appointing a Physical entity as a legal and authorized representative of the company. This document needs to be signed by all Directors and the Company Secretary. Signatures on this document must be certified by a Certifying Officer.

    The representative mentioned in the written Resolution of the Directors, must present his Identity card or passport (for foreigners).

    Accessing information for a Legal Entity carries a fee of ten (10) Euros.

    The original application along with the necessary supporting documents should be delivered either in person or by post to our offices.

  • How long is information kept in Artemis Credit Bureau’s records?

    Information collected from banks and credit acquiring companies are retained as outlined below:

    • Demographic Data: for as long as there is information about the physical or legal person concerning credit facilities, Lawsuits / Court Decisions.
    • Credit facilities: for as long as the repayment of the credit facility is pending.
    • Lawsuits/ Court Decisions: for as long as a debt, related to the judicial measures, to the financial institution, is pending

    Central Information Register information is received daily and is maintained as per the Central Bank of Cyprus regulations/rules.

    Bankruptcies information is kept as per the Department of Insolvency regulations/rules.

  • Why hasn’t Artemis Credit Bureau informed me of any records kept on me?

    Pursuant to Article 14 of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) that came into force in May 2018, Artemis is exempted from the obligation to inform the data subjects for the processing of their personal data because the processing arises from a legal obligation.

    It should be noted that as per the 2014 legislation still current to the present day, due to the large number of subjects who were included in its Registry, Artemis informed the subjects via a press announcement in the national press on September 30, 2014.

  • How can I correct data about me/my company that are kept in your Registry?

    The Customer Service Office of Artemis Credit Bureau receives and replies in writing to requests from individuals or legal entities wishing to correct their data.

    Individuals - to exercise your right to correct the data kept in file the following are required:

    • Application to correct information regarding a physical person; form available at Customer Service Office or online on our website.
    • Supporting documents relating to the specific data correction you require.

    Legal entities - to exercise your right to correct your information, the following are required:

    • Completed the original “Application to Correct Information-Legal Entity” , available at our Customer Service Office or online on our website.
    • Supporting documents concerning the particular information correction you are applying for.
    • Company stamp
    • Certificate of Directors and Secretary issued in the past 12 months
    • Resolution of Directors for appointing a Physical entity as a legal and authorized representative of the company signed by all Directors and the Company Secretary. Signatures on this document must be certified by a Certifying Officer.

    The representative mentioned in the written Resolution of the Directors, must present his Identity card or passport (for foreigners).

    Correcting information for a legal entity is free of charge.

    The original application along with the necessary supporting documents should be delivered either in person or by post to our offices.

    Artemis Credit Bureau will subsequently forward the company’s application along with any supporting documents to the information supplier to amend accordingly.

    Once Artemis Credit Bureau is notified that the information provider has amended the data in question, you will be informed accordingly.